Superpowers are defined as powers and abilities that are beyond humans and nature, entailing capabilities that are fantastical, paranormal, and extraordinary. Superpowers are extremely diverse and all-encompassing, from the mundane to the almighty, there is no limit for what superpowers are. The thought of an individual having supernatural abilities has got people running scared for centuries, but as time passes by, people have welcomed the idea and many have yearned for the opportunity of one day meeting one or having the chance of experiencing their supernatural abilities in action but when it comes to supernatural powers. People often relate to basic superhuman abilities such as flying and super strength because that is what the majority are familiar with based on all the movies and comic books which are filled with these abilities.
That is why whenever an individual speaks of having superpowers, the first thing popping through people’s minds is whether the so called individual is able to fly or lift a truck because that is our typical superhero. Having supernatural abilities does not necessarily knight a person into a superhero because this individual I am about to introduce you to is not like anyone you have ever seen before; he is just an ordinary young man from a small country called Kenya in Africa, but what he can do is unbelievable.
He might not be able to fly or lift a truck, but what his abilities can accomplish is something that humanity has been fantasising about since the beginning of time. What he is capable of makes him a god among the rest of humankind. His abilities cannot be scientifically explained because, to him, it is like breathing; it is something that is part of him hence, he cannot isolate himself from it even the name for his ability has not been invented yet. He puts the natural physics laws governing our planet to shame.
His Unexplainable Connection to the Environment
This individual has some sort of an imaginary powerful magnetic force surrounding him like a halo, allowing him to drag along every natural element in the universe from the sun, moon, stars, clouds and precipitation to the minor ones like the wind. His immense power is irrefutable. He is somehow connected or intertwined with the environment around him that it reacts to him. He has some sort of correlation relationship with the natural world which allows him to move the natural elements present on earth to his bidding. What makes it more extraordinary, is he does not necessarily need to be the primary instigator of the movement; even from a secondary source like a moving vehicle, if he is on it, then the natural elements will move towards the direction of the vehicle.
Understanding and accepting what he can do might be problematic for most people because we all share the same sun and moon hence this can never be practical but it is a real ordeal and it is currently happening right now. So, whether you choose to accept it or not nothing will change. How exactly it is happening or the way it is occurring I still can't explain but only theorize. But there is some science behind it because it is a repetitive phenomenon or event hence, it can be measured and proven. There are two sets of tests that can be used to prove if he can truly drag the natural elements.
Proving His Supernatural Abilities
The first test is the building test; where a tall building or a tower is chosen as a marking point then at any time of the day, he is told to move the sun to be directly on top of that building or tower. This individual will move around and adjust to position himself, ultimately the sun will be on top of the building or tower.
The next test is the light test. It is by fact that light travels in a straight line making it ideal for this test. A powerful flashlight is placed in a stationary position on a flat surface and its beam is directly pointed towards the night sky. As the night sky will be painted with the beam of light. This individual is then instructed to move the moon and the stars past the beam of light. He will position himself and he will achieve this, ultimately the moon, even the stars, will move past the beam of light in the night sky.
These two tests will definitely prove that what he does defies the laws of physics governing our physical world. It is as if the natural order of things doesn't apply to him, like he is living in his own universe which he is connected with and he controls everything.